Shopping: 1, Running: 0. Bonus: Core Diet Update

I had great intentions yesterday…I was going to get up early, do my 75 minute run, and then head to school to start setting up my classroom.  However, when I woke up I was exhausted and missed that morning run opportunity.  I did get into the school and start to set up my desks but have to wait for my new desk before I can continue!  I left around 10:30 and then decided to pick up a few things for the new school year (colored pencils, erasers, pencil sharpener, etc.) because Ocean State Job Lot has a 30% off deal for teachers!  Well, that one stop turned into 4 hours of shopping all over metrowest.  Soooo not kidding.  Once I start I cannot stop!  I did get stuff for my students, but my highlight was this:

Which allowed me to make this:

Which was the best homemade pizza I have ever had.  The pan makes all the difference.  I usually use a cookie sheet and it does not compare!  This actually tasted like a pizza you ordered out!!!

I also finally got shades for our dining room.  It is still a work in progress but it is lightyears ahead of where we started!  PW knocked down a wall, tore down the drywall on the other 3 walls, redrywalled, and built a wall/counter.  I….did the painting 🙂 On that note, Dont mind the painting issue in the picture below, we still have to put up the molding!

I bought those yesterday and may or may not have begged PW to help me put them up within 5 seconds of me coming home!  I just wanted to make sure I liked them, because I was hesitant at first.  Once we get a valance I will be in love with their Bamboo-ness!

Now that I made you sit through that, lets get to what youre probably here for: The Core Diet Update.  If you recall, about 6 weeks ago I decided to was time to put up or shut up and commit to The Core.  I have had some off meals (as evident by my above dinner) but the results have been pretty drastic.  My goal was to lose 7% body fat which would equal out to a little under 9 pounds of fat.  My BMI was an issue too–I was lacking some serious muscle!  I needed a protein focus with some serious TRX.  6 weeks later: I have lost 4.5% body fat and 7 pounds.  This includes some end of summer fun, too.  I have 7 weeks left (6 weeks of deficit) so I think I may be able to surpass my initial goal!  I still have a few pounds to meet last years race weight though…the winter was fun!

Side note: It has come to my attention I lose/gain most of my weight in my arms.  This is weird to me.  (Dont worry–I am a girl so I lose/gain in my belly too 🙂 ) PW pinches me weekly, and I have lost 7 mm (are they mm?  I dont know what the measurement is!)  of arm fat over the course of 6 weeks.  And 0mm from my legs.  Body fat dispersion is so weird!

I will check back in, in a couple of weeks with my final update!  I will say this: If you follow it, it works.  It is a science, and specific for sport, but it is based on a basic concept: calories in, calories out.  Sure, it takes some effort.  And sure, sometimes I just want a piece of cheesecake.  But I havent been too deprived (I have been having cheat meals still!).  But in all reality its not that hard.  

Dont tell PW I said that though…because the first few weeks when you feel like its not worth it, well, he got to listen to a LOT of complaining!

Our counter is being delivered from Home Depot today, so I am going to go sit by the window waiting for them impatiently!

2 responses

  1. All of my fat goes to my belly. When I lose bf I get smaller and smaller in my arms and ass and boobs, until they barely exist, but my belly fat just HANGS ON for dear life. Why can’t the extra fat just go to BOOBAGE? It is so unfair. Congrats on the bf loss and have a happy last week of summer before school begins!

  2. I feel your pain. A couple years ago in preparation for our wedding, I did Weight Watchers and lost 17 pounds. Yay me, except that it was all from my arms, chest and waist. Hips and thighs didn’t budge. As if dress or jeans shopping wasn’t hard enough before, now I have to find something that isn’t huge around my upper body or waist, but is big enough to fit around my thighs and hips. Oy. There has to be a breaking point where you start losing thigh fat too.

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