My Favorite Fruits

Today was a fruit kind of day.  Mostly because it was a dont-leave-the-house kind of day, and our fridge is full of fruit!

I took pictures of the Big Three today.  Mostly because they are so darn photogenic (well, at least 2 of them!)

1. Grapefruit! So delicious, so worth all the work, and satisfies my “sour” craving (cant compare to Sour Straws but it helps hold it off!)

The one below was SO RIPE.  Look at the color, it was perfect!



2. Cherries. They feel so decadent. Maybe its because they are so expensive? I didnt eat them as a child. The pits scared me (I may or may not have had a little bit of a choking problem when I was little…ice cubes, oranges, gobstoppers, etc.), In fact I didn’t even try one until 2007! Now, I cannot live without them. Everytime they are on sale at the grocery store, I eat my fill, to hold me over until the next sale!



3. Flattened bananas. The only way to eat a banana, in my opinion! Its like dessert, tastes like banana bread, and is chewy (so…almost like candy?). The only place Ive ever found them is Trader Joe’s (aka the best store on earth.) They ARE core friendly–they are nothing but bananas, flattened!

If you never take another recommendation from my blog, just take this one: TRY FLATTENED BANANAS! Will change your life!



And on that note, I am going to relax, and watch reality tv into the wee hours of the night. Because SCHOOL WAS JUST CANCELLED FOR TOMORROW! A nice little mid-week vacation, I guess! Now I can squeeze in another bike ride tomorrow, I guess, so no complaints from me!



What’s your favorite fruit(s)–I know it is hard to pick one so give me your top ones!!
-It took me a while to narrow this down. I also really like raspberries and kiwis! Im totally a fruit girl, not a vegetable girl!

Is it snowing where you are? Considering its snowing in 29 (right?) states, the odds are in your favor that it is!
-It is snowing here…7 inches today, 10 more tomorrow. A lot of shoveling to go!

12 responses

  1. Favorite fruit? Peaches. Except that I became allergic to them recently, so I have to bake ’em first.

    Yes, it is snowing in Medford and I still have to go to work tomorrow… I’m the new guy, so I can’t really back out.

    • Congrats on that new job by the way! Id rather work tomorrow than in July…but its probably for the best not going in tomorrow–my Prius is horrible in the snow!

      PW is allergic to apple/peach SKIN. Anything baked or peeled is okay, but otherwise he gets all itchy!

  2. My favorite fruits are definitely honeycrisp apples, cantaloupe, and seedless red grapes. I only eat bananas in smoothies or smothered in peanut butter.

    It’s snowing/sleeting/icing here like crazy and I’m scared! Stay safe and warm.

  3. Seedless watermellon (I can eat a whole one in a single sitting), blueberries, and black cherries. Love just about all frutit, but these are on the top of my list. It’s going to sleet and frezzing rain here tomorrow. So much for training.

  4. strawberries! (but mainly when they are covered with chocolate!)

    those bananas look yummmoo!!!

    and yeah the lame ass stock market doesnt care about snow, so i have been at work both yesterday and today 😦

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